Marietta's little artistic adventure in Palencia 

El Mundo
, 10/16/2006 

Palencia, Borja Dominguez 

Negueruela's, is the only private art gallery in the capital, which celebrates its second aniversary. 

Two years ago, Marietta Negueruela decided to go into adventure and installed an art gallery in Palencia. With the demise of artistic space. With the disappearance of art spaces, hers is the only private gallery that is in the capital, Palencia. 

Now, the second anniversary of the opening of her art space, Negueruela wanted to do a group show that brings together some of what has been exhibited at her galleryso far. So you can find paintings of artist Capel, the highly technical palentino that seems to take photos with his paint brushes or, at the other end, the abstraction of Pedro Bureba. 

However, although abstract art does has a place in this gallery, Marietta Negueruela, has decided to work more with the new figurative, mostly for practical reasons: to try to reach the people that are not used to buying art. 

"It's hard to get people over here, but it is very rewarding when people that have never bought a painting in their life, they suddenly become excited and they purchase their first painting and feel excited about art," says the gallery. 

These days, there are many exciting works of art in her gallery and not just because most painters already have a recognition of their work, such as Onecha or Jose Meneses, but Marietta Negueruela also searches for new talented artists. And she has found a very solid one with Monica Dixon, this American painter, but Spanish by mother, that has lived among both countries. The texture of her colors and forms reminds us of Hopper, explains Negueruela, who says that she will make a solo show in her gallery soon.

In this show and for the first time, the gallery also has pieces of sculpture, the works of Belen Gonzalez, native of Valladolid. Two bronze pieces depicting infants are the display of sculpture in this group exhibition. 

Marietta Negueruela's Gallery, in which she also hung her own paintings, also has a painting studio, even as she recognizes teaching is not her passion, and it seems that the exhibition gallery will finally gain the space devoted to workshop ..