Monica Dixon / Painter: "Footwear is a subject not often dealt with"
La Voz de Asturias
06/03/2004, ANGEL GONZALEZ
Monica Dixon is an American painter, with Asturian bonds, familiarized with both artistic worlds and chose the city of Oviedo to create her paintings. Her last exhibition at the auditorium has meant the consolidation of her work in the Asturian pictoric view.
- You must have a special relationship with footwear.
- Everyone thinks that, in fact some people believe that shoes are the only thing I paint. Not quite true; I made these oil paintings for the exhibition because it was a subject I really wanted to work on. Among other reasons because almost nobody dares to work on this subject.
- In many cases, your work reminds us at the classic still life compositions.
- Yes, in some cases I worked on the relation of the shoes with other garments. I even played with the different positions of a raincoat. In other cases I simply painted compositions with different types of shoes.
- Anyhow, footwear seems not to be the most caracteristic theme of your work.
- It's just one of the many subjects in my work that I try to make as varied as possilble. .
- How does an American painter end up in Asturias?
- My relationship with Spain begins because my mother is from Asturias. I was born in New Jersey and I speak Spanish perfectly, I have always lived a little way between the two countries, and also artistically.
- What differences do you find between the two countries, as far as marketing is concerned?
- It's different,there is a lot of competivity in both countries but in the US each state has its own regulations. It might be harder to make yourself a name in the United States.
- How can you make yourself a name in the US?
- It’s a different story, in the US a gallery can hire you and you can work for them. Here I hav’nt seen that yet.
- What do you like most?
- Personally, here.
- Especially after exhibiting at the Prince Felipe Auditorium.
- I am very pleased with the interest about my work. I received good reviews and sold half of the paintings in the show. Furthermore it was a very daring collection witha range of Pop colors, risky never know if it will be well accepted by people.